Friday, 26 June 2015

Some Important Things to Know about Payment Transactions through the Credit Card Processing Machines

Have a new sales business and wondering whether it would be good idea to get a credit card processing machine to accept card payments? Well, there is nothing much to think about this. If you want to increase the sales and give your customers more flexibility to make the payment, you should definitely get the credit card processing system for your business. A study has revealed that customers with credit cards are more prone to making purchases than the customers with cash. Here are a few things you would want to know about the credit card processing system and machines.

Security is the Key

The safety and security of the customer’s identity and the credit card information should be the top-most priority of any business. This is the reason why there are government regulations in all the countries whereby you have to sign a customer security agreement with the banks. In case of any fraudulent activity on the card and any unwanted payments through it, it will be the responsibility of the business owner. The credit card processing machines these days are designed in such a way that they take care of most of the security issues. If you looking for the best credit card processing services, feel free to get in touch with Alliance Bankcard Services.

The Processing of the Money

The credit or debit card processing through the credit card processing machines at Alliance Bankcard Services is a 3-way step.  Here is how it happens:

-          Taking the credit card information: If you want to process the payment using the credit card, this will obviously be the first step. You will need to take the credit card information from the customer so that you can take the payment. The information taken from the customer is then either used for the manual or electronic processing of the payment. Most of the businesses employ the credit card processing machines which automatically take the details without you having to enter the details.
-          Authorizing the Card and Taking Payment: Once the machine accepts the credit card, the information is sent to a payment processor which in turn authorizes its validity. It determines whether the card exists or not and if it does whether there is sufficient payment or not. If everything is okay, the payment is taken from the credit card account of the customer.

-          Money to Merchant Account: This is the third and final step of payment processing. This step is about receiving the money from the bank into your merchant account. Now, the point is that you will need a merchant account so that you can get the money from the customer’s credit card. The money is transferred within 2-3 days to your account and you can withdraw from there.

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